$(function(){ $("#BtnLogin").click(SendLogin); $("#BtnLogout").click(GoLogout); $("#BtnRegister").click(GoRegister); $("#BtnGoUserModify").click(GoUserModify); $("#BtnAlarm").click(GoCarAlarm); $("#BtnCarMy").click(GoCarMy); $("#BtnCarWanted").click(GoCarWanted); $("#BtnQuestion").click(GoQuestion); $("#BtnPds").click(GoBoard); $("img#BtnHome").each(function(){ $(this).click(GoList); }); $("#BtnAddFavorite").click(function(){ window.external.AddFavorite("http://www.busmarket.co.kr" , "¢Æ [¹ö½º¸¶ÄÏ] Áß°í¹ö½º ¹«·á±¤°í, Á÷°Å·¡ ¢Æ"); }); $("#BtnAddFavoriteEn").click(function(){ window.external.AddFavorite("http://www.busmarket.co.kr/EN" , "¢Æ [BUSMARKET] S.KOREA Used Buses Export ¢Æ"); }); $("#BtnIdSearch").click(function(){ location.href="/members/findid.html"; }); $("a#BtnCarInsert").click(GoCarInsert); $("strong#BtnCarInsert").click(GoCarInsert); $("#SearchAll").click(GoSearch); $("#SearchBiz").click(GoSearch); $("#SearchOwner").click(GoSearch); $("#SearchExpert").click(GoSearch); $('#floatR').scrollFollower({ pageAlign:'center', pageWidth:960, type :'right', topMargin:255, minTop :10, margin :20, speed :500, easing :'swing', zindex :0 }); 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} if($.trim($("#password").val()) == "" || $.trim($("#password").val()) == $("#password").attr("holder")){ alert("ºñ¹Ð¹øÈ£¸¦ ÀÔ·ÂÇÏ¿© ÁֽʽÿÀ.");$("#password").focus();return; } $("#frmLogin").submit(); } function GoCarInsert(){ location.href = "/Car_Insert_3.html"; } function GoLogout(){ location.href = "/Members/Logout.asp"; } function GoRegister(){ location.href = "/Members/Register.html"; } function GoQuestion(){ location.href = "/Board/Estimate_Register_3.html?code=1"; } function GoCarAlarm(){ location.href = "/Car_Alarm.html"; } function GoCarWanted(){ location.href = "/Index.html?wantedcar=1"; } function GoCarMy(){ location.href = "/Index.html?mycar=1"; } function GoList(){ location.href = "/index.html"; } function GoBoard(){ location.href = "/Board/List.html"; } function GoBack(){ history.back(); } function GoUserModify(){ location.href = "/Members/Modify.html"; } function GoSearch(){ switch(this.id){ case "SearchAll": break; case "SearchBiz": break; case "SearchOwner": break; case "SearchExpert": break; } location.href = "/EN/Index.html?SearchType=" + this.id.replace("Search", ""); } function number_check() { var txt = window.event.keyCode // 13 : Enter, 8 : Backspace, 9 : Tab, 46 : DEL // Å°Æеå : 12, 45, 33~40 if((txt >= 48 && txt <=57) || (txt >= 96 && txt <=105) || txt == 13 || txt == 9 || txt == 8 || txt == 12 || txt == 45 || (txt >= 33 && txt <= 40) || txt == 46){ window.event.returnValue = true; }else{ window.event.returnValue = false; } } function Resize_Image(url, width, height, target) { var mainimage = new ImageLoader(url); mainimage.loadEvent = function(url, image){ imgwidth = image.width; imgheight = image.height; { // °¡·Î¿Í ¼¼·Î Áß ¾î´À°É ±âÁØÀ¸·Î ÁÙÀÏÁö °áÁ¤ var baseAxis; if ( (imgwidth / width) > (imgheight / height) ) baseAxis = 'width'; else baseAxis = 'height'; // °áÁ¤µÈ ±âÁØÀ» ¹ÙÅÁÀ¸·Î ³ª¸ÓÁö ±æÀ̸¦ ¸®»çÀÌ¡ if (baseAxis == 'width') { height = Math.round(imgheight * (width / imgwidth)); } else { // baseAxis == 'height' width = Math.round(imgwidth * (height / imgheight)); } //$(target).attr("src", $(mainimage).attr("src")); $(target).attr("src", image.src); $(target).attr("width", width); $(target).attr("height", height); } } if(url != "") { mainimage.load(); } } /** * A simple JavaScript image loaderimage loader * @author Cuong Tham * @url http://thecodecentral.com/2008/02/21/a-useful-javascript-image-loader * @usage * var loader = new ImageLoader('IMAGE_URL'); * //set event handler * loader.loadEvent = function(url, image){ * //action to perform when the image is loaded * document.body.appendChild(image); * } * loader.load(); */ //source: http://snipplr.com/view.php?codeview&id=561 // Cross-browser implementation of element.addEventListener() function addListener(element, type, expression, bubbling) { bubbling = bubbling || false; if(window.addEventListener) { // Standard element.addEventListener(type, expression, bubbling); return true; } else if(window.attachEvent) { // IE element.attachEvent('on' + type, expression); return true; } else return false; } var ImageLoader = function(url){ this.url = url; this.image = null; this.loadEvent = null; }; ImageLoader.prototype = { load:function(){ this.image = document.createElement('img'); var url = this.url; var image = this.image; var loadEvent = this.loadEvent; addListener(this.image, 'load', function(e){ if(loadEvent != null){ loadEvent(url, image); } }, false); this.image.src = this.url; }, getImage:function(){ return this.image; } };